President Message
It is firmly believed that the quality of teachers in educational institutions determines the ultimate worth of education. The responsibility of colleges of education in preparing elevated excellence teachers is, therefore, essential. The teachers for the 21st century should have the capability to ensure cognitive, connotative and effective development of the students and generate in them a value system which is an amalgamation of time-tested values, patriotic and secular traditions and scientific temper.
It is a demanding task and cannot be completed without eminent teacher educators. The professional development of teacher educators is, therefore, the need of the hour. It is gratifying to note that the Ganga College of Education has undertaken to develop multifarious skills among the trainee teachers as well as the teacher educators. The college has taken distinguished strides in the course of empowering stakeholders in the use of ICTs and honing their communicative skills. With inclusive education in mind, the preparation of teachers for treating children with special needs has become a well-regulated programme in the college.
Side by side, emphasis on action research, innovations and enhancing teaching effectiveness are going hand in hand. I have not the slightest doubt that the college will continue to play its leading role in the above areas. The launch of the college website would go a long way in highlighting its multifarious activities and achievements. My best wishes to the Principal, staff and students for doing a commendable task.
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